The eye is a complex organ with many parts and systems. The most important parts of the eye are the cornea, iris, pupil, lens, retina and optic nerve. These parts work together to let us see things around us.The cornea is the transparent front part of the eye that covers the iris and pupil. The iris is a thin layer of tissue that controls how much light enters the eye through the pupil. The lens focuses light onto the retina which sends messages to your brain about what you see.

There are many eye care specialists and doctors who can help with any of these problems. They may prescribe glasses or contact lenses to correct vision and treat certain eye diseases. In some cases, surgery may be needed to improve the health of the eyes.Eye care is important for everyone. We need to take care of our eyesight by following some simple steps.

First, we should have a healthy diet and avoid junk food as much as possible. Second, it's important to get enough sleep and reduce stress levels, which can contribute to eye strain. Thirdly, it's recommended that we wear UV protective sunglasses during the daytime and avoid looking at screens for too long at night. Finally, if you are experiencing any eye discomfort or vision problems, please consult with an eye doctor immediately.

Eye care image

The eye care habit includes the following:

 (1) regularly check your eyesight, and if you need to, get a pair of glasses.

 (2) don't use your phone or read on your phone too close to your eyes.

(3) don't stay up late at night.

(4) Wear protective glasses while viewing screens.

(5) Maintain a balanced diet.

(6) Wash your eyes first in the morining with cold water with water in your mouth.

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